
point-to-point connection中文是什么意思

  • 点到点连接
  • 点对点对接
  • 点对点连接



  • 例句与用法
  • Point - to - point connection
  • Laboratory data communication - part 1 : point - to - point connection with rs - 232 ; physical arrangements
    实验室数据通信.第1部分:用rs - 232进行点对点连接.结
  • Interfaces and basic data link control procedures for serial measurement data communication ; start - stop - transmission , point - to - point connection
  • Interface and basic data link control procedures for data communication ; balanced interface for start - stop transmission using basic data link control procedures on point - to - point connection
  • Frame relay is unlikely to be cost - effective when only two sites are interconnected with a point - to - point connection . frame relay is more cost - effective where multiple sites must be interconnected
  • Each wired segment is a point - to - point connection between a hub and usb device ; the latter can be either another hub that provides additional attachment points to the system , or a device of some sort that provides functional capabilities
    每一段连线都是hub与usb设备的点对点连接,后者可以是为系统提供更多附加点的另一个hub ,也可以是一个提供功能的某种设备。
  • Vdl mode 4 is consulted the data link layer of osi reference model , and it provides upper layers with reliable point - to - point connection . because of the particularity of the civil aviation ' s applications , vdl - 4 protocol will support some special application program directly , such as automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast ( ads - b )
    在对协议进行研究的基础上,本文实现了与广播式自动相关监视( ads - b )应用相关的vdl - 4协议栈的vss子层和lme子层,其中主要包括预约机制、网络接入和同步数据帧的广播等。
  • In the former , the user establishes point - to - point connection with the delivery server , controlling the broadcast process , including start , pause , fast forward , etc . in the latter , the user also establishes point - to - point connection with the delivery server , however , he or she can only watch the broadcast passively . like broadcast service , it is usually used in realtime information delivery
    另一种是broadcastunicast ,这种方式下,用户也和发布服务器建立点对点连接,但是处于一种被动接收状态,只能观看播放,正如在广播服务方式下一样,这一般用于实时的信息发布。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
point-to-point connection的中文翻译,point-to-point connection是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译point-to-point connection,point-to-point connection的中文意思,point-to-point connection的中文point-to-point connection in Chinesepoint-to-point connection的中文point-to-point connection怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
